WIN MY GEAR CONTEST NOBODY ELSE IN THE WORLD CAN DO THIS If anyone else in the world thinks they can match or beat my ULF SPL on this scene with their HT, you get my (4) Fi IB3 18's and (2) Behringer EP4000s. If you think you can, make us a vid and post it up. If it looks legit, break out your mic and give us the numbers. NOTNYT you can't... you probably still can do this HPed at 11Hz, Brian, you can't either all you have to do is turn yours up. Bosso... you'd have me worried. MKTheater, you can't quick order 06" XXXs and 22" sonotubes... your F20's only! Graham, don't make me laugh I've been getting out of audio for a while, put the 1803's up for sale last week and the van this week, now I'll sell the HT except this gear if anyone beats me, if not, I'll let the subs and amps go for $700 you pay shipping