I am looking to build a small portable system . I have a deck , 5 way amp and all of the cables and wires. I will need a 2 12" sub box and subs, and a 4 6x9 speaker box and speakers. My question is this, If I stacked the speaker box on top of the sub box then mouted the amp and deck to the speaker box, could I power all of this with a portable deap cell marine or normal car battery. While running I could keap a trickle charger of some form on the battery as well as the direct power would go through some sort of compatable on / off power switch. Any help or suggestions here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Again
This will be a portable sytem for the back of a truck during tailgating. My concern is the power. Will anything be hurt if or when the power dips below 12 volts. How many big deap sell vatterys would I need for 2 hours of playing? Thanks
that doesnt sound too portable with 2 12's and 4 6x9's. plus a huge deep cycle battery. you would be surprised how loud just 2 of those 6x9's will get on head unit power only. ive seen ice chest tail gate systems. get a cooler with wheels and add the batt inside and the head unit on one side and the speakers where ever they will fit. a reg cheap car batt will power a head unit for hours. and you can put it in your car truck when done, and not have to worry about a huge box to lug back and forth.
yeah you dont need 4 channels, you'd be surprised how many people dont even run 4 speakers, espeicly people who go active, becaue it's more expensive to go active 3 way or 2 way with a full range signal for the rear. it's very hard.