What Was With That Dumb Ed Thread On Caf

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Feandil, Jan 24, 2004.

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  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Amazing level of intelligence and maturity present over there. Makes me wonder why I left :rolleyes:

    Brahmas, all sizes, available NOW at S-F.

    Our cones aren't flat, but when's the last time you looked twice at a lady that had flat cones :p .
  2. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    It was a fun thread until the personal attacks started.

    Hehe. If RE didnt have that sale one the HCs I would definately be getting Brahmas. I know they arent comparable in anyway but they will take the power I have to give to them and get damn loud doing it. Cannot complain for $300. Once I get bored with being that damn loud I can always sell them for more and buy a Brahma(s) and be loud and ultra clean.
  3. deyton

    deyton Full Member

    Maybe David was only trying to help, but this kinda sums it up right there. Leave business out of a public forum and no one is hurt.

    @Jan 26 2004, 02:39 AM
    would they be pleased when Elemental said "OK, we'll bite... help us out"?
    IMO yes, because then they're seen as being kind and forgiving, and I'm sure they wouldn't sell the 'cones' (not really conical...) for a loss.

    Also, how can the public even be sure that ben could use the cones anyways? We can't, but I bet many will assume. I personally don't care and this won't stop me from buying from either company.
  4. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    Hmmm... I could come up with a few... Joan Jett comes to mind, LOL...

    And you left because you could not keep up intellectually... :rolleyes: :alien:
  5. black00

    black00 Full Member

    Micheal....you showed yourself to be a total uneducated asshole on that thread man..

    You have no idea what happend between onyx and re ....if you wanna use that...i got an idea....you call scott massengill and tell him to post WHAT the defect was..(notice he refused and did everything he could to get RE to post it so he could use it against them in court) .... .then .....you can try to use that again ;) .... defect can mean anything from a bevel too sharp to pole tolorance too large or the "+" slightly offset in the O of Onyx....

    Other than that....Adire didn't let you become a dealer...and you flamed them for it then....

    Re didn't let you become a dealer....and you flame them every chance you get...

    I know the RE guys...the build practice and the business ethics are top of the stack IMO.... and i know them much better then you do ....

    The rest of what you believe is total one sided crap from what somebody has BELLYACHED to you or has come through a grape vine.....

    Grow up man....
    you don't know shit dude.... period
    And have lost what little respect you had.....i had no idea so many people thought so bad about you till i saw how many people brushed you off on caf... how you live like that man? STFU sometimes dude.

    :bye: wont see black back
  6. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    the CAF thead was a knock-off from a SIN thread that started a day earlier, in which David tabled his offer, Ben and the ED crew responded and asked to communicate via email, then it was posted by David again, and from there it got the infamous SIN 'edit'

    the offer in the CAF thread was basically to let the CAF crew know that David was making this offer...so in other words...make it public...no real reason for that :?:
  7. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    great post, nothing short of the truth when it comes to the RE/Oynx fiasco

    no reason to leave though...... :no:
  8. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

  9. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Come on now...

    A forum is a community, comprised of a great many members.
    One of the best things about this forum, is that it has diversity, people on both sides of a topic, pretty consistantly.

    Contrast that to some other places, where everyone seems to say the same things, either to want to look "cool" because everyone else seems to be saying it, or because they fear the wrath of the masses if they said something that wasn't popular opinion... :rolleyes:

    If guys with one particular set of opinions are discouraged, it's a step towards that type of environment, IMO.
    And if you leave, and you support another set of opinions, then it's a step towards the type of environment that you would really be sicked to see. :blink:

    There's a big difference between speculating possibilities regarding the unknown, and telling untruths, though!

    The first one encourages economic thought, IMO - whatever your personal speculations are.
    The second one deserves banishment, if it's not somehow innocent. ;)

    Just give it another thought. B)
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Yea, I am uneducated :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

    First I do know what the Defect Was, it was tollarance Issue that may or may not have effected RE Products, however that was not really the issue, the issue was that RE did not Follow a Singed WRITTEN contact on what they were suppose to do to the parts before they re-used them...

    This is Bad Business Ethics, and unprofessional

    Right Adire did not let me Be a Dealer, but I never Flamed ED, I flamed DAN WIGGINS for his Personal Comments/Attack during that time which was nothing moe than a misunderstanding, which has since been Resolved, why Bring Back old Issues?????????

    Next the RE Turning me Down is Mute, Go back and Search, after they Truned me down I never ONCE flamed them UNTIL QC issues with ED, Prototypes for compaines, Oynx, and Adire Brahmas, Came to light,

    Was I started hearing about them, and the After Comments by Offical Reps of the Company, that and that alone Changed my Opinion of them. After that Even if I would have became a Dealer for them I would have DROPPED them

    you know how many Comanies turned me Down?


    I dont flame them, they all have their reason, weather or not I agree, that is their business, they can run it how they want

    but If I see Quaity Control Issues with them, I will State That

    It is not my Problem you Are a Dealer, and you feel the need to support them to no end

    If you want to Leave, BYE.....

    This is no "MY" site this is the COMMUNITIES site, I only Provide the MONEY to run it...

    This community Drives the Site not me, In fact I more or less dont have any Direct Control, because I CHOSE not to in the beginning

    Every Actiion that it taken it Thought About Publicly by the MODS BEFORE the change/action is made...

    There is a Forum that is only viewable b the Mods that has all of that Info....

    Furthermore, I will no longer be Recommending your business, I have in the Past to people that still want RE, but no more...

    This is a Free Contry, I ccan Say ANYTHING I feel like at any Time, if you dont like it, Ignor it,

    it is said they you feel the need to RUN AWAY

    I guess your not use to people dusagreeing with you

    I bet if I said "ED IS NOTHING BUT A PAPERWEIGHT" you would have been more receptive..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  11. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    IMO yes, because then they're seen as being kind and forgiving, and I'm sure they wouldn't sell the 'cones' (not really conical...) for a loss.

    Also, how can the public even be sure that ben could use the cones anyways? [/b][/quote]
    Here's another thing to ponder... and this is another reason that I think RE was extending themselves legitimately with an honest intent to help:

    RE, in making the offer, they were really putting a pretty hefty load on their shoulders, if you realize it or not.
    Making the offer is a big risk to RE, think of things from that perspective for a sec:
    1) If they extend the offer, there's a risk of the public questioning "why?" (obviously, that's playing out).
    2) If the offer is accepted, RE must deliver professionally, or face criticism, which is bad PR for RE.
    3) If the offer is accepted, and RE delivers, the cones must be as RE claims, or face criticism, which is bad PR for RE.
    4) If the offer is accepted, and RE delivers, and the cones are used, and even one fails, it could be easily turned into "those RE cones that were used really were crap", which is really bad PR for RE.

    With these risks, it's surprising that RE would even extend themselves with an offer. ;)
    Heck, I'll even guess that RE didn't think through these risks, possibly they just extended the offer because they had the ability to.
    Possibly it's as David stated - he's frustrated (as many people are!) watching people stand in a line that may or may not start moving soon.
    AVVA extended an offer seeming to target these same people waiting in line - and say what you like about the intent of that offer - there's no doubt it was recognizing a great number of people's frustration with that situation.

    You can argue whether it was appropriate or not for RE to "brag" about offering to help Elemental on a couple forums, for good PR, but that's really a separate issue... and honestly, I'm torn on it too -

    If it were me, with the risk that I was knowingly taking on, I'd hope for some benefit from the transaction myself... seems like there should be some good PR possibility there, right?
    On the other hand of course, the more publicly I make the offer known, the more risk that I take on myself, if something does go wrong... because then I'll be publicly exposed.

    So I'm torn on whether it really was a PR move, since it's really putting RE's reputation in Ben's control, and the public's interpretations, and there's huge PR risk in that also.

    And that's not to discount the other possibilities of intent that other people have mentioned on this thread, any of them could be reality - and by nature, most of them are most likely not. ;)
    The truth only exists between Ben and David, and they may take it to the grave.
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Further More

    Even if, which was not the case, I had a Gudge becuase they Turned me down, why on earth would that still exsist today?

    that make absolutly no sense and it a very weak aurgument Put our by people to discredit me, in hoe the TRUTH will not come out about how INEPT RE is......

    and Like I said to David(TEAMPSI) Prove me Wrong.......

    Maybe RE has Increased its Qualtiy Control, or more like actually started doing Quality Control. Maybe everything is not Peaches and Cream

    Good for them.......

    But you are Biased TOWARDS re, just as much if not more than I am Biased AGAINST them................

    but the differance is, I admit I am biased Agaist them........
  13. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    You know what

    Screw it

    I will Just keep every Personal Opinion I have to my self

    You will all Learn in the end

    I was Flamed for Comment on AmpMan Audio a fews years back, and look how that ended ;)

    but I guess you will all learn the hard way

    I will no longer post any comments about any company, I will no longer Recommend any products, I will just awnser Tech Questions only

    Since everything I say is wrong anyway
  14. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    this one for the history books :lmfao:
  15. Feandil

    Feandil Full Member

    The way Michael conducted himself was poor I agree....

    But don't leave man... there's no reason to loose knowledgable people ;)
  16. Feandil

    Feandil Full Member

    FUCK! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    Eric from ED just emailed me back about the 10 ks.... he doesn't think they'll be shipping in the next 3 weeks!!! MAYBE after that he said :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:

    That is disgusting and I honestly think I'm gonna get my friend to go with a different brand.... 7+ weeks for shipping of IN STOCK items :angry:

    That's absurd... ED is pissing me off.... :angry:
  17. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    What can I say? ED isnt the company that its made out to be by many.

    Its easy to fall into the crowd. Once you step out though and you see everything the way it truely is its kind of amazing. EDs products are good and cheap. Reliability of their shipping/stock of products is poor. Reliabilty of NEW products that they have is average to low. I will never buy a new product from ED. Will always wait a few months and/or a few batched to see what happens. And my future orders(if I have any) will be conducted via telephone.
  18. black00

    black00 Full Member

    1.Like i sad...let onyx post it....not you...your words mean nothing.

    2.contract is not online for you to pick apart between re and onyx again you don't know shit.... honestly.... a few were missed...is that really enough for a company to go bullistic?...no its not but since onyx is now out of business it seems easier to say it was a cheap ploy for money doesn't it?....educated man would say yes...otherwise onyx could have used it to their advange and say :) yeah..they used our defective parts and everybody would have wanted onyx product...but instead they played their hand wrong and cryed like they were done wrong and it all backfired...

    3.old issues?...no, just bringing up your track record against companies that didn't let you sell the products...Adire said no...you cry....RE said no ...you cry...the other companies really don't matter cause their customer base is not on the net and they could care less about some pathetic kid bitching and trying to bash their product when they have a slice of the consumer market that dwarfs all online sales combined... micheal who?...who cares.....

    4. QC issues.......ever see qc issues with RE products?..... Maybe destijl (not RE) has a few every now and then (there are humans working there you know) ...but think about who you talkin to now....I do the warranty for Adire Audio.... there are VERY FEW... and you won't find Adire claiming fault on the build house.... If Adire finds something that needs improving...they improve it and mandate the improvement.... Wanna talk about TC sounds qc issues..?... If its not ED design that is the problem with cones and glue and such like that than it must be TC...and to be honest...ive never seen a rash of qc problems that parallel TC's ....thats a fact..... So...was it ED's design?...or TCs qc...had to be both or ED wouldn't HAVE to test every driver before it left the building, yes or no?
    And think seriously about who you are talkin to before you answer this...

    5.And whats this shit?
    "Was I started hearing about them, and the After Comments by Offical Reps of the Company, that and that alone Changed my Opinion of them. After that Even if I would have became a Dealer for them I would have DROPPED them"
    There are no RE reps ...nor have their ever been...only Brick and Mortar stores...again..you full of crap kid.

    6. run away huh... look fool....you lie...and you THINK you know truth.....fact is, you not far enough in the industry to really know what happens. You should YES...STFU...and not voice your opinions...the fact is... ALOT of people hate you and have discredited you because of your misinformation and overall stupidity...
    Its very obvious on CAF especially...and from what some of the bigdogs themselves say about YOU in particular man...black00 not running away...but this is your house...and I won't be here supporting your forum...thats not running away...thats picking the friends i choose to hang with....and you ain't one of them...

    so...i'll deem this as a closed argument...cause...for the most part....I WIN....and if you choose to spit more nonsense...i may or may not read it...all the rest of the folks here know where to find me if they need me..... :bye:
  19. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    By all means, let us find you here.

    This is an open forum for all viewpoints. As you can see, you were not edited, or deleted in any way. In fact, I heavily encourage counter viewpoints to those expressed by the big-wigs of this site. It is simply proof of the fact that we are openminded and willing to let opposing viewpoints fly.

    As Mike said, he rarely if ever mods anything here, that is pretty much up to me.

    I understand where you are coming from Marshall, I truely do. While I do not nessicarily share all your views on RE, or Mike's for that matter, I see where you are coming from.

    With your relationship to RE, it is easy to assume that you know more about what is going on than anyone else here. However, I think it is just as easy to assume that with your being an RE dealer, that you may harbor some bias. With that being said, it can also easily be assumed that Mike, having been denied a dealership that he harbors resentment towards RE.

    But that is alot of assuming, and we all know what that makes "U" and "ME" look like ;) .

    Please, don't leave and let RE stand here with no dealer backing. RE needs a guy who is willing to stand up for their products in such a hostile enviroment ;) . I have also owned RE drivers and would hate to start bashing them here without you to argue with cutie :blow: .

    Don't make me make you my bitch :blink:

    Stick around or I'll stop by there and slap that ratty ass goatee off your face.
  20. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    Wow you must really be upset. I actually saw a few posts from you on CAF.
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