Finances are here. Time to start ordering. PICS and VIDS to come! What is for sure: 2 Fi Audio IB3 18's, each in their own 128 cubic foot box (before displacement) with a 12" sonotube port 48" long ( to begin with, will cut down raising tuning over time) resulting in a 6.5Hz tune! Dual EP2500's or EP4000's. I am building from the floor up... scratch. I need a solid 7.1 receiver capable of more than 110 watts per channel. I plan on building MT's or MMT's designed by Kevin with Exodus Anarchy's. IDK about using a HP filter yet.. but I may go as high as 15Hz with the tune...I'll start low and have myself some fun and learn all the way up to 15Hz. I'd like some input on the receiver... THX Ultra Certified preffered.. but $500-$600ish seems a good price point. I would also like some input from you guys on a new PC with Blu Ray and whatever I'd need to run REW and connect it to a 40" LCD HDTV. Got a new hard drive at Best Buy today, grabbed War of the Worlds while I was there... (BTW do I want to play it in DTS or Dolby Digital?) and looked at pro audio amps, PC's, monitors, flat panel TVs... and I saw a sony 7.1 770 watt strdn1000 with 4 hdmi 1080i upscaling 110rms x 7@8ohms r2d2.... any good? I'll also be building a van walled off with 4 IB3 18's.... ported and tuned to 15Hz most likely. See the Car Audio section for it's build log! Lots of batteries and amps going in there, and some Adire Audio Extremis 6.4's and CSS FR125S's! 10X's the power needed...
Got the VAN. Got the CAM. Got Star Trek, Transformers, and G.I. JOE. Got 2 12" ports. Who has 12" sonotube ports? I do NOT bring the cat into this. EVER! He does it all on his own! I think he's good for scaling anyway.
Decided to grab the Samsung, the only one with Netflix live stream what I had to go thru to get it... it's the floor display, paid full price...but I got the last one! Bought Transformers and a bunch of other movies the other day...normal DVD... opened them all but Transformers so i can take that one back, and the lady that grabbed 2012 Blu Rey grabbed 2... so I can take that back tomorrow too LOL. I'll give all the others to my friends n fam! I use and I play my music from my PC on my HT. So how do I connect my cheap walmart PC I have to my HDTV and receiver? That was why I wanted to build an HTPC... so I can just run it all off it. just bougt NEW DENON AVR 2310 7.1 RECEIVER AVR2310 avr 2310ci $639.99 USD
Description Amount Goods $599.00 Total $599.00 USD Merchant S&Y Online Ventures karaokeequipment Jus ordered 2 EP4000's!
cpl ?'s.. What cables do I need for receiver to EP4000's? RCA to XLR? Do I need a splitter or is this .2? Also, I got a cheap Samsung Blu-Rey with the Netflix live stream capability player at walmart... it is LOUD! Sounds like an old printer! Any known issues? I went thru hell and back for it...they were sold out..tried to reorder more for me..couldn't..thought maybe I bought the floor display for full price..wouldn't give me the usual 20% disp discount.
We've already established that my home is hood. My setup is ghetto. please don't make fun of my imported curtains from spain, that's not nice and I don't want to have to rub it in your face how much I was able to get them for! I'll be painting soon, getting shades soon...but who cares it's all about the sub. WARNING car audio guys. These are boring vids. They are ONLY to demonstrate and document how these low BL, under motored "IB" subs have so much efficiency when given airspce. This is also to show that I do get a little port turbulence. This is only around 100 watts. It shakes my house and everything in it. On the opposite side of my home my windows rattle and the home completely breathes in and out with every woofer stroke. We will see what happens with a pair of EP4000's later on. You do NOT need to turn it down! NEW CAMERA! WOTW's: Semi trucks Litening road break/church break Pod emerges 10Hz 15Hz several sine waves... 18Hz 20Hz 25Hz 30Hz 35 40 and 45 I think. pretty loud considering! To me it is all about airspace. I have 100 watts, a super low tuning, and a "weak IB sub".
if you have a strong stomach... my house needs a lot of work. i could care less, so all "fix your house then get a stereo" comments will get ignored along with "get better gear from better stores" comments. 1st with low then pushed hard for more output. I sealed up my kitchen window a couple days ago because it used to flop around so bad from the subsonics...but it still has a little rattle to it.
just purchased 6 Fi Audio IB3 18's custom dual 4 ohm. Why? cuz it's double the coil in the gap. Double the wire to split the current flow.
The Samsung Blu-Rey player I got let me down.. it's loud, sounds like an old printer. If you take the disc out it forgets where it was at and starts over. It can't read any of my burnt CDs, DVDs, or... other material. Sometimes the words don't match the faces on screen. This is compared to the last 2 DVD players I've owned over the years that each cost 30 bucks. So I bought the $100 Blu-Rey .. Magnavox.. so I could give the Samsung to my mother who won't care about all that and wants Netflix live stream. This one is the same... can't read burnt CDs or..other material. Forgets where it was at. I had $35 of best buy rewards to use up...I figured about $20-$40 for a pair of RCA to XLR cables... they were 99c a piece! So I bought the last 5 they had! So then I had $35 rewards to still burn up, so I got a 100ft spool of Monster Cable I HATE them. Walmart years ago had 50ft spools of yellow 12gauge for 10 bucks. I still have 1 or 2 left cuz I bought like 6 of them 6 or 7 years ago. Bought rear drums and shoes for the van, as well as plugs, air and oil filter, and oil. The AC clutch is the fan noise problem. I may just pull the entire AC system like I did on my Accent GT and put the HO alt in it's place? Good idea? I went to Sears today.. $190 for DieHard platinum. $805 for 4 of them. What ya'll think? get those tomorrow morning or order the Shuriken or Delta? HT receiver and EP4000's shipped yesterday.
AC delete is a bad idea. I hate summers in my car here. Can u say sticky azz?! Its hot haha I dont have AC in the olds and i hate it, wish i woulda never taken it out!
lol Ive gone years without ACs in my cars... specially when I have systems cuz the windows r always down be it 10 below snowing with 30mph winds or 92 degrees sunny and no wind
Fiber optic can sometimes have a delay.. But is a big step up from coaxial cables(regular rcas).... Hdmi is perfect just all around especially from a blu-Ray player... Does that denon do hdmi audio switching or just video upconverting?
Versatile video connections and maximum picture quality The '2310CI provides 1080p HDMI switching for your five best high-def video components. Analog-to-HDMI conversion lets you send all your video sources to an HDMI-capable TV using a single digital cable, simplifying hookup and maximizing picture quality for each source. The receiver's high-performance Anchor Bay VRS™ video processor delivers superior video scaling and deinterlacing — it can upconvert all your video sources to resolutions as high as 1080p. You'll see improved detail and cleaner images from all your video components. Connections: 1080p-compatible HDMI switching: 5 in, 1 out analog-to-HDMI video upconversion (up to 1080p/24/60 output via HDMI) with Anchor Bay Technologies VRS advanced video processing and scaling I simply want to use whatever is better... my Blu-Rey and receiver both have both options. Cables are cheap in comparison to the equipment!