something id like to hear michael's view on

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by prophesized, Dec 11, 2002.

  1. Audio Nut

    Audio Nut Full Member

    after reading everyones view on much informed about the situation at hand(i dont watch the paper...etc)

    do i believe the government was behind for the whole thing...possibly but...very few people know for sure...

    one thing that wasnt mentioned and i remember talking to my g/f about this when 9-11 happened...

    why in the fuck were we sending away food to another country????

    we have OUR people on OUR streets starving to death...because lazy motherfuckers want to sit at home and collect welfare....lets not mention that around here just about every gas station is dothead/indian owned....i worked at a cashier at one for a year....indians or whatever tookover....5 out of the 11 people are still unemployed and or relying on other people to take care of them....why?? because of the fucking foreigners

    mexicans around here laugh at our religion...laugh at us...motherfuckers cant even fucking drive...and they get pissed off when they go into a gas station and they try and get gas...but get pissed off because the teller doesnt understand what the fuck theyre sayin...

    and why the fuck are we still letting foreigners in....

    fuck it they shouldnt let anyone in....and kick out all the foreign motherfuckers that came in....sendem back to where they came from in the first fucking place

    thats my .02
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    finally another american that is not a sheep
  3. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    Audio Nut; I hope you haven't used MichaelP's opinions on here as statements of fact. Plus, your concept of not letting other people in is such a wonderful one. Too bad the United States didn't do that when your family came to the United States, eh? You need to start learning. Several of your comments are baseless and are truly ignorant in terms of why the United States does what it does and why we do help send both monetary and physical aid to countries. Believe me, it's not all about being nice.

    Sheep my ass. I apologize for not being uneducated and uniformed. God forbid I pay attention during the numerous history and government classes I've had during my academic years. Rather, I should listen to all the fucking nuts out there who think the government is out to get them.
  4. Audio Nut

    Audio Nut Full Member

    lol...funny because ive been talking about how twisted society is for a few that ive actually grown up and experienced things my skin color is white and i was born american

    my comments are baseless??? comments are from life far as aid...FUCK THE AID...period...just like mike said...if the united states government would stop trying to be the worlds police...we wouldnt have this problem in the first place.

    I never said giving aid was 'being nice' i said it was fucking idiotic

    its have a family...your living in a cardboard find some and your family are starving...but yet you give it to some family from another country...fucking stupid...period

    noone ever said you were uneducated...or uninformed....

    however...that does sound like a statement from someone who's brainwashed :rolleyes:
  5. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    Good god, you missed so many of my points. You were born here, but your original family that immigrated here was not. America has always accepted immigrants, and always will, because THAT is the American way. If you don't like that, how about you go back to where your immigrant family was from.

    Second, don't you understand we have a global economy? OUR ability to feed ourselves depends on other nations. Take an economics class if you can't understand this. It really is pretty simple.

    Brainwashed? Nope. I've never said that this country is perfect, and never will. However, I do believe in our core set of values, beliefs, and our governmental system.

    BTW, Mexicans laugh at our religion? Riiiggghhttt; a greal deal of Mexicans are Catholic. I'm Catholic....millions of other AMERICANS are as well.
  6. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    And I love tacos and chaluppas just like those Mexicans!

    Mike are you mad at the government b/c your sales are down? ;)
    (Britney told me to say that)

    In all seriusness, We are all hoping that Mike is not right about our fate.
    Be happy.......I have no more will to fight
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Chad, your one of the More respected people i know, but you take too much of what the government says as fact, do you really think the government is out of the common good of the public?

    the Government , all governments, are out for CONTROL, nothing more.....

    I just see enough enough evidance to say 100% that the events of 9-11 happened they way the government says, I am not going to take the "it happened that way because I said it did", that may be acceptable to you, but not me

    as far as global aid, and globla economy these are very differant,

    Take sadia Arabia, why do we spend Billions a Year buying oil from them then turn around and give them a few more billion for "aid" that i am sure never goes farther than the officals.....

    What does that have to do with the "global economy"

    We import more than we export, there for we support the world economy with out giving any aid, so why must we give aid also?
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    And I love tacos and chaluppas just like those Mexicans!

    Mike are you mad at the government b/c your sales are down? ;)
    (Britney told me to say that)

    In all seriusness, We are all hoping that Mike is not right about our fate.
    Be happy.......I have no more will to fight[/b][/quote]
    no I am mad at the Government because it full of idiotic inbreeds assholes that want to control every move you and I make, they want to take all of our income and spendless needlessly, and wastefully while millions of citizens go hungery or sleep in the cold, but they giove themselves a pay raise and do nothing all year long, year after year

    Then 9-11 happens and I see bill after bill flying through, ebing passed with out taking to time to READ what they are singing to law, now we have many MAJOR concerns to our Privacy all in the name of security

    The lists of Reasons why I am mad at the government is endless, and grows every year,

    SOmeone said before that you can never please everyone, and that is the problem the government is tring to please everyone,

    The are far too many laws, in some cases there are 5 laws for the same crime, laws are written in such a way that you dont really know where the line is so the cops can have the power to "find that line" :rolleyes: , and in one case I know personally there was a law that was in direct contrdiction of another law so you were damned if you do, and damned if you dont

    it is all about money know, who can pay the congressman the most gets the vote, and that is not how it is suppose to be
  9. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    do many of you people not realize that the way to get money/oil/blowjobs/etc is to keep the people who control the money/oil/blowjobs/etc happy??

    why not just try to buy the money/oil/blowjobs/etc direct from the source without a little incentive for the person controlling them?? because it would result in less money/less oil/teeth or a slap/etc........ thats the way the world goes round... why do we take our Gf's out to dinner instead of progressing straight to the Bj? why do we send a couple billion dollars to some saudi oil sheik instead of just trying to buy it straight up?.. you figure it out the rest of the way......
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Sorry Last time i walked in to Walmart i dont remeber there being a Charge to Shop :rolleyes:

    and I take my GF's out because I WANT to, wow what a Concept, has nothing to do with "getting a bj" or anything of that nature, I could get that without taking them out,

    Your Logic is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY flawed, I would never Pay you for the Privlage of Buiy from you, any business that does that is sure to go out of business, unless you deal with our dumb ass government
  11. Alan

    Alan Full Member

    and I take my GF's out because I WANT to, wow what a Concept, has nothing to do with "getting a bj" or anything of that nature, I could get that without taking them out,

    wasn't that his point??? :blink: :blink: :blink:
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    wasn't that his point??? :blink: :blink: :blink:[/b][/quote]
    no he is saying he takes his woman out for the purpose of getting sexual favors latter, saying if "I make them happy now they wil make me happy later"

    using this anology to form a link to us paying Sudia Arabia to supply us oil

    Basically saying if we stopp bribeing Sudia Arabia they will shut off the oil flows

    the simple economic princible of supply and demand contradicts this

    The better Analogy which I use is if walmart charged you $50 just for the Privilage of Shopping in there store would you still go? I think not........

    so why do we feel the need to pay some one for the privalge of buying from them? espically when there are alternative sources for which we can buy the same product?
  13. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    never shopped at a warehouse store eh mike?

    supply and demand? they control supply and the demand can be found elsewhere.. you honestly think they NEED OUR money?? that there arent other buyers out there for their oil?? that they are poor and need it? that they cant use it for other purposes, make electricity, plastic, etc etc etc out of it and sell it in some other form?

    and your GF.. say you just stopped buying her gifts and taking her out... eventually the well would dry up and you would be left playing with yourself....
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    No, the Only Time I walking in to a members only store was a sams club, and I was a walmart employee so I did not pay

    I would NEVER buy in to a membership when I can get just as good deal in a NON membership store,

    They do not control the Supply Sudia Ariba only has about 15-20% of the world oil, if that is controling the supply I am Santa Clause

    and yes there are other buyers, but none with the ablity or money to buy in the qty's we buy in...
  15. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    Mike.. as of right now we are barely the largest market.. just barely.. and if England joins the EU we will ofiicially be the SECOND largest..

    and it is not that we are buttering up the saudis.. it is that we are doing the same to a member of OPEC....... which supplies the vast majority of our oil..
  16. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    that is my point

    we dont need OPEC oil

    We need to do the Following

    1>Dropp Opec and buy our oil else where

    2>Take all the money we give the OPEC contries to 'bribe" them as you call it, but it in to advanced project funding for advanceing the Fuel Cell vechiles ford, honda and others are working on, to get them road ready, and to get the costs of the production of those vechiles down

    3>develpe a fuel deviery system for the Fuel cell vechiles

    and then this oil debate will be completly over for ever
  17. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    hehe.. wont hear me arguing against that Mike...........

    though i say we just find a new fuel cell or whatever.. demolish all cars made after 1972 (except monte SS, el camino, GN, impala SS, Vettes, and 4th gen camaros/firebirds......... and replace the demolished cars with fuel cells and let the owners of real cars still have access to oil..
  18. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    So you want to keep the gaz guzzling polluters that appeal to your tastes and discard all other cars?
  19. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    yep!.. sorry civ pal, but you'd have a bicycle... which according to my plan would be roughly the equivalent of your current car, and much more efficient :D
    its not the million old cars on the roads killing our oil reserves and envitronment.. it is the 10 million suv's trucks and inefficient cars sold every year.... for every Monte Carlo SS out there, there are 50000 f150's.......
  20. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well that will never happen

    Non-Oil based Fuel cars will have to be replaced, but it will be over 10-20 YEARS time and be a on a vontary basis until the point that there are very few oil-based cars left

    and the only thinking keeping the plan down is how to charge for the fuel

    as Hydrogen Fuel cells the most viable alternative to gasoline would run on plain water