Power locks only work for 2 driver side doors...

Discussion in 'Car Repair' started by 92civicproblems, Oct 11, 2008.

  1. tyrant1014

    tyrant1014 Full Member

    nah, that hole is so you can easily get to what you need to as far as power locks are concerned. Pull back the plastic a little bit on that shorted connector for us.
  2. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    car pr0n!:p
  3. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    Wow lol...
  4. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    Okay, when I get home I'll pull back the platic covering a little bit so you can see what's goin on with that. Thanks a lot tyrant..
  5. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    Okay, so I found the actuator and everything works fine the actuator is just messed up. It doesn't have the strength to lock and unlock the door. Thanks for all your help guys. I'm guessing the rear door is the same way. Probably just need to replace the actuator.

    Two new actuators cost $260.00
    Two used actuators at a u-pull $20.00

    I'm goin to u-pull-n-pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll keep you guys posted.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2008
  6. tyrant1014

    tyrant1014 Full Member

    Before you go that far, let me pull it up on "no Data" tomorrow just to make sure there isn't something else going on that will require a little less money.

    Just so i know, your car is a 92 civic 4 door... correct?
  7. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    1992 Honda Civic LX 1.6 liter 4 door

    Thanks a lot for doing this..
  8. tyrant1014

    tyrant1014 Full Member

    it says that a 1.6 liter civic 4 door 92 only has the main brain for all the locks, so in that case if the solenoids look fried. Go get new ones.
  9. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    I'm guessing solenoids are the door lock actuator or a part in the door lock actuator?
  10. tyrant1014

    tyrant1014 Full Member

    your door lock actuator actually is a soleniod, so yeah... same thing.
  11. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

  12. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    Awesome guys, thanks a lot.
  13. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    I'm proud to tell you guys that I fixed my power door locks! Yay technology!
  14. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

  15. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

  16. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

  17. tyrant1014

    tyrant1014 Full Member

    did you check batteries yet? I'm not familiar with these things but I will start throwing out ideas. :cool:
  18. tyrant1014

    tyrant1014 Full Member

    what was wrong with them?
  19. 92civicproblems

    92civicproblems Full Member

    The door lock actuators were fried. Just replaced them with used ones;

    total cost: $19.98 and 25 minutes