Hello everybody, it's been way too long since I've popped my head in to say hello to everybody. I've been around looking at all the comments and replies to everyone, but I haven't signed up until now! This forum is very informative and I'm hoping to learn more. Looking forward to sharing ideas with everybody! And everyone is so nice (even though you dont even know me yet). So I just wanted to say hi to everybody. I look forward to getting to know everyone as we exchange messages on this forum. I'm pretty happy to be here!
yah man im new 2.... and i am of the same opinion that this is a kick a** site everyone here is pretty cool if u ask me and i have learned a lot in the week or so iv been a member
hey thanx guys..... 1st question for you pedro the subs in your pic....did u make that box for those for or did u get it custom made?
it's not as hard as it looks. Get a design and build it. lol Actually, as long as your cuts are done right then the assembly isn't hard at all.
where do you live man? one of us might be close to you. o and welcome aboard guys, glad to have you and im also looking forward to helping you the best i can.