*cracks Open A Cold One*

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by nismo, Dec 12, 2003.

  1. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Yes, I wonder what Mike's stats are showing now, for site ranking! B)
  2. nismo

    nismo Full Member


  3. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    well, my stint at si.n is finally over. josh banned BOTH of my accounts :oops:

    i had a 2nd account i created as a username just for reading and josh removed one or both of my accounts. i told stoner to say thanks i already quit using them, and dont need em anymore. cant take away something i gave up :bye:

  4. MValley70

    MValley70 Full Member

    I won't crack one open with ya but i will mix up a "Fighting Cock" and Coke and join the party.....
    I was on ScottS's post about the bad seller on SIN and i stood up to josh cause he pissed me off and i get a PM from Stoner inviting me to CAT....glad he did...this is where i can get a good educated responce to any car audio question...unlike a responce about nakedness over there....
    Like i said in my first post on here....this is like a SIN and CAF all-star forum...and glad i could be apart

    Eric....i love your avatar....as a matter of fact...look what I bought 2 days before i saw your avatar.....Super cock vintage hat :p

    Scott, SC
  5. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    This place does take away the "gayness" of CAF and SIN, I'll admit that. Too many of the "senior" members of those forums start spewing crap in the middle of decent threads. Derek and PS come to mind as a couple who egg each other on...I usually don't care, but they sometimes do ruin a perfectly interesting thread.
  6. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    ok, I know this is stupid, but just a thought. I have no idea what you all are talking about. What is SIN. Sorry for the retardation.
  7. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    si.n is the previous residence of many of the new members here at CAT. si.n is soundillusions.net

  8. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    Thanks, sorry about the lack of knowledge, I have heard a lot of people talk about sin, never knew
  9. hoss

    hoss Full Member

    consider yourself to be a better person for it :)
  10. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    no doubt :gunsmilie:

  11. ScottS

    ScottS Full Member

    actually i think you heard i was here :) :p
  12. jlaine

    jlaine Full Member

    *tips his hat*

    The only thing you got edited for was what again Eric?

    After all, if you are going to start things, please provide proof, not libel.

    Honestly - flame me all you want - but at least have the dignity of providing some beneficial information toward your accusations.