Hi, I just install a DVD\GPS unit in my car. This a chiness model ( 9001b). Yes I know it is not the best quality but it fits in my budget. Before I put the unit in the dash I did some tests. ( settting radio channel, sync with my cell phone, setting destination on the GPS) All seem perfect. I put the unit in the dash and take the car out of the gararge for night without do more test on the unit. It is important because outside it -20C. In the morning I start the car and the DVD boot. I put the radio and all it is OK. I try to switch on GPS mode. Immediately the screen close, but the system seems always working because it gives audio directions. I try some things and finaly I reboot the system. I have also similar problem in radio mode. After few minutes in radio mode the screen shutdown ( but the radio still working) and it impossible to change options without rebooting. Is it possible this problem was cause by a lack of power from car (to small wires)? Is it possible it is to cold for the unit? Thank you