I have a 2002 Chevy Trailblazer and want to buy a Double Din Receiver with certain must have features. I have many questions. When I try to find answers by searching online I only end up having even more questions than I started out with and hoping I can find honest simple straight up answers, advice and help here. I have someone that can install whatever I get. I'm not stupid I just don't know much when it comes to vehicles and stereos but I'm a woman who knows she wants Lol. This is gonna be long and detailed. Please just be kind. Ok Will any Double Din Receivers work in my vehicle? Can I get any size? If not what sizes? (I really would like a large 9 or 10 inch screen). Does it have to go in the dash or can the screen be mounted elsewhere? Will I need to purchase a specific type/size mounting kit separately? What I Want: The Double Din Receiver must be Combatible with Android and has these features: connects wirelessly through Bluetooth, Has Touchscreen, Has Actual Viewable On Screen Gps Navigation (NOT only sound) that's installed on the reciever or that connects wirelessly to my phones Google Maps, Android Auto and/or similar gps apps. Needs to be Compatible with Google assistant or a similar type Android app. Can access and play mp3 music and video files that are on my Phone/ Cloud/ Google Drive and also files on micro sd card via micro sd slot (and/or files on a usb flash drive). Handsfree I want to be able to use my voice to play songs, make and receive calls and texts. To search for phone numbers, addresses and also for the GPS. A wireless steering wheel remote too would be nice. The cost for the Double Din Reciever needs to be under $250. (I understand if a mount kits needed it'll probably more) Any answers, advice and suggestions for Recievers that have everything I need and want would be greatly appreciated.