Amplifier Discussion

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by _gonz_, Aug 8, 2004.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    walmart selling MA now :p :p :p :p :p

    sorry could not resist
  2. SteamHammer

    SteamHammer Full Member

    Not sure I get the joke?
  3. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I actually like the looks of the MA Audio amps...
    I can't comment on their performance, but the shop that I work at is actually an MA Audio dealer, we've got quite a few in stock - hopefully I'll get to hear one in the context of being able to evaluate it...
    Heck, I'm not particularly hot on the Earthquake PHD2 and PH2.5 in my Civic, and they are pretty cheap (particularly at cost), so who knows what I might pick up to play with next. B)
  4. SteamHammer

    SteamHammer Full Member

    Give the H2K-TP a whirl. Full range Class T. It's like a swiss army knife it has so many features. The dealer I'm working with ran it for a week and loved it so much he is getting one for himself. I'm buyng the one he tested with for a week. The other amps he had to test it against were:

    Power Acoustik 1800DB 1100 x 1 @ 2 ohms
    Power Acoustik OV21600 310 Watts x2 (4 Ohm RMS)
    Alphasonic PMA1800A 1300 Watts x 1 @ 2 ohms

    The MA was louder and cleaner then all of them (his words) into 4 and 2 ohms (subs only, not full range). I'm into SQL so it should be fine. This will be my third Anaba group amp (visonik V900DX and Ultra Linear UL400HC). So far my first two we worth the $$ I paid, did close or = to thier rated power and were built fine. Sold the Visonik to get my Eclipse HU and sold the Ultra Linear becuase it was too wide for my amp rack. The MA amps are more designed for SPL and the Clif Amps are for SQ, per Anabas Technical Director. MA and Clif are Anaba's "high". All I know is that I'm hoping this amp will make my TC SOunds TC2+ subs hit like sledgehammers. With 200x2 they already sound great and hit pretty good. :eek:
  5. attudesign

    attudesign New Member

    You can find MA Audio and a lot of other cheap amplifiers at <THE SPAM COP GOT YOU> They have a pretty big selection of cheap amps, with a few different ways of searching for what you need.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2006
  6. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member


    first, this is a two year old thread.

    Second, I may be out of line here, but if your first post is whoring out a website on a 4 year old thread.... it starts to smell like spam
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2006
  7. Duct Tape

    Duct Tape Full Member

    on top of that, all those amps look like knock offs of existing crappy amps.
  8. sinistercory

    sinistercory Full Member

    Junk, Junk, Junk....
    Does anyone care about quality anymore?
    Does anyone know what a damping factor is?
    It's like trying to buy audio at a pawn shop. ....."and over here we have a two foot long amplifier that can do 4000 watts, and it only needs a 20 amp fuse to do it!"
  9. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    okay cory.. that was funny!
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I agree, I busted it....:eek:

    to the orginal poster, if that was not spam, and you really wanted to recomend them, I am sorry, having on 1 post, and the way it was worded, tipped my spam-o-meter:lol:
  11. CadillacETC1997

    CadillacETC1997 Well-Known Member

    people must really think we are stupid ya kno?